Monday, October 29, 2007

One Word Meme

As you can see I'm a little lazy today but hey it's Monday.

 1.where are my keys? purse
2.relationship: married hair: medium home brother/sister? Valorie favorite thing: reading dream last night: forgot
8. favorite drink: coke
9. dream car: Corvette
10. the room I’m in : bedroom shoes: bare
12. my fears? claustrophobic
13. what do I want to be in 10 years?  Working at a community college.
14. who did I hang out with this weekend? family
15. what are you not good at? organizing
16. muffin: blueberry of my wish list items: laptop
18. where I grew up? Texas
19. last thing I did: blog
20 what am I wearing: jeans and a t-shirt
21.what are not wearing: shoes
22 your pets? black cat
23. your computer? life line
24. your life: family
25. your mood: happy
26.missing: my skinny jeans :)
27. what am I thinking about right now?  Going to see my sister.
28. my car? Taurus
29. my kitchen: clean
30. my summer: HOT
31. favorite color: red
32 last time I laughed: last night
33 last time I cried: I don't remember
34 school? almost done
35 love? David and my kids.


Catwoman said...

Uhm... You cheated quite a few times, it seems to me! :)

Tracy said...

I thought this was a ONE WORD thingy? I don't blame you though, some of those can't be answered with one word! Oh and what does MEME stand for again?