Saturday, April 28, 2007

Proverbs 23:18

For anyone who's wondering how I chose this verse to be my domain then you've come to the right place.  When I was pregnant with my DD1 my DH and I had a lot of things going on and none were pleasant.  We were at a financial roadblock and we didn't know how we were going to get out of it.  Thank the Lord that I have such awesome in-laws; they took us in with open and loving arms.  So here I am about 5 months pregnant and worrying about how we would ever get back on our feet.  Then one morning I had this dream, it was God telling me to look up Proverbs 23:18.  I have to admit that at this time in my life I wasn't reading my Bible everyday and I remember saying in my dream "I don't even know if there are even that many chapters."  Well God wasn't going to give up on me because I was to lazy to get out of bed; he kept telling me the same verse over and over again untill I finally got up and looked it up in the Bible.  So here it is "There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off."  Man I was totally blown away; I started crying because it was exactly what I needed to hear.  Never before had I heard or was trying to hear God literally speak to me, so this was amazing.  From that day on I have held on to that verse because I know no matter what happens in my life good or bad God has his hand on me and in the end everything will be ok.

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