Thursday, April 19, 2007

Getting Things Done

I can't believe it but I actually got quite a bit accomplished today.  First off I finished reading this book for class and took a test on it this morning.  And to make my morning better it was my last test for this semester-yeaaaaah!  Can you tell that I'm happy.  I did some laundry today, ok one load but who cares I actually did some.  I also wrapped Sweet Pea's presents for her party this weekend.  Oh and I also did the dishes.  Don't ask me what got into me.  There is only one wrinkle in our plan-the party.  Are plans are to be outside and stuff but it might rain so who knows.  Hopefull you all had a great day.  :)

1 comment:

Emily said...

I hope she has a great sunny birthday!

Oh and I too have had that spring cleaning itch. My husband loves it, lol. Not that our house was super messy before but now it is extra clean. :o)